Astrological Birth Chart of Paracelsus
Paracelsus was born on the 10th of November 1493 in Sihlbrücke Switzerland. He died in Salzburg Austria on the 24th of September 1541 at the age of 47. The most likely time of his birth is shown on the chart below in the timezone GMT, Sihlbrücke is Central European Time, 1 hour ahead of GMT. His zodiac sign is Scorpio which is ruled by Pluto and its Element is Fixed Water.
Concerning the Transmutations of Metals and of Cements
Concerning the Third Cement
"So far we have set down the two fixations or cementations for Luna and Sol, which ought to be adopted when these metals are to be multiplied. But others, too, have to be cemented, and afterwards placed in a colouring cement. This third cement is adapted for perfecting the other metals and rendering them fit in themselves for the tincture of the other cements. For where a metal has not been prepared and smeared over for this tincture it is not able to take it, or only in a very slight degree, and by a dangerous process.
Quicksilver, which is comprised under this cement, is not among the number of the metals, but only among metallic materials and malleable bodies. The cement is to be made thus : Antimony, one pound; Saltpetre, one pound; common Salt and Salt of Tartar, half a pound each. Having mixed all these together, put them in a dish, placed layer by layer with plates or filings of the metals. Let them be closely shut up and cemented for twelve hours with a most powerful fire, which had been originally for the first two hours only a gentle one. When this time has elapsed, let all that remains be extracted, that is to say, the loppa (refuse) along with the Regulus. This must be noted, that all cementings of this kind do not exhibit the Regulus, but some of them only the loppas. These should be afterwards treated with Saturn, according to the ordinary method, and Saturn of the same kind burnt in the vessel; then the metal will be found fixed upon it. And here mark the difference of the separation by means of the jar, the cupella, or the cineritium. The metal enters into the cineritium or the cupella, but in the other case it remains on the jar. Metal of this kind, which remains on the surface of the jar, you will cement a second or a third time, as above, so that it may turn out more fixed and remain on the cineritium. When this has been done, it is fixed for receiving the tincture, which is given it by cementation.
With regard to this cement it should be remarked that two or three metals can be blended together in one mixture and one body, which will be better than before. The following is the method. Take filings of Mars, Venus, and Jupiter, or Saturn. Let them stand in a fire of liquefaction for twelve hours. Addition. The cement will be more useful, if besides the above there be taken of Antimony and Salt each one pound; filings of Mars, Venus, and Saturn, half a pound each. Treat them as before mentioned."